Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Potential Aught-Eight Presidential Candidate

Today’s "Potential Aught-Eight Presidential Candidate" is another long shot. A long shot, that is, until you don the following gay apparel:

Got that donned? Good. Now you’re ready to believe my proposition.
Mr. Candidate, please rise:

You knew it was coming. Now pull the bill of your hat down and listen up. The proposed legislation has already been proposed to eliminate the presidential term limit (No? Yes.). Something about "democracy" and wanting to let the "people" "decide" at each election "who" should be our next "president." Something about "founding" fathers’ "intentions." Something about "the" way it was. But we know the truth. This is nothing more than a thinly veiled attempt to make George W. Bush our king and savior. Or, at least, you know, our president for a very long time.

Oh, sure, this a bipartisan piece of legislation and it includes a clause that it would not be in effect for the current president… but come on. We’re not fooled, are we? Have the Religious Right and the neo-conservatives ever had, and will they ever have, a better boy to whip, or puppet to mold, or, or chimp to... dance, than George W. Bush? Is there any reason to believe that Bush really won’t be running for president in 2008? And 2012? I mean, other than evidence and common sense?

Now... hurry up and nominate him before he whips his dog at you!

Previous Potentials:
Charles Barkley


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