The Armchair is Empty
The Armchair Politician has been stagnant for some time now, and this is merely a proper acknowledgement.
This site isn't going anywhere, and perhaps the Armchair will be filled again someday. But, for now, simply enjoy the posts that were.
This site isn't going anywhere, and perhaps the Armchair will be filled again someday. But, for now, simply enjoy the posts that were.
I thought you should know that my name if JONAS!
Whatever, I mean, what kind of comment can I really make? And actually, my name isn't Jonas and thank goodness because what a stupid name.
I wanted to thank you for your last post, which was as timely as this comment.
Anyway, I was thinking today, while reading the news that there was a perfect ArmChairPolitician story today. It was called, "George Bush asks for 'a chance' on Iraq". Georgie wants us to give his new strategy a chance before condemning it. That's great, he has had almost 4 years in Iraq and he says just give me a chance to fix it.
In related news, some homeless guy who has chosen his lifestyle as a protest against American consumerism today wrote a song that he thinks will finally bring the American capitalistic machine to a halt. The song, titled "Death to the Machine", is a love song about the homeless woman who sleeps under a bridge with him.
Anyway, I'm not the Armchair Politician, but you know what I mean.
Dude, I totally know what you mean, man.
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